We want you to be happy with your order!
If you received the wrong product call as soon as possible so that we can have a replacement shipped out. In this situation you mail the wrong product back at your convienance and we cover the return shipping.
If you changed your mind just send the product back with instructions on what to replace it with.
A 100% guarantee of your satisfaction is in effect from 30 days of the date you received the item, no return RMA is requirred, just ship back with details of what you want us to do.
We really want our customers to be happy! If you have a situation that falls outside of these simple rules please ask for help.
Just like we say "No Questions Asked" just send them back for replacement or refund. Even if you have a partial box we will issue a partial refund.
Clarification: If you order bullets thinking they are loaded ammunition, we will refund the bullet cost but shipping both ways will be your responsibility. |